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Spotted this giant Grizzly Bear at the bank of Yellowstone River in the Hyden Valley area. This Grizzly used to show up at dawn and dusk to eat his meal! We drove to the spot one day very early morning and we were very lucky to spot this bear. And of course, we were more than 100 yards away from this bear! We were on the other side of the Yellowstone River.
Grizzly Bear encounter at Yellowstone National Park #nationalparkservice #yellowstonenationalparkGrizzly Bear encounter at Yellowstone National Park #nationalparkservice #yellowstonenationalparkGrizzly Bear encounter at Yellowstone National Park #nationalparkservice #yellowstonenationalparkGrizzly Bear encounter at Yellowstone National Park #nationalparkservice #yellowstonenationalpark
Grizzly Bear encounter at Yellowstone National Park #nationalparkservice #yellowstonenationalpark